Rough actions against those who fail to pay on a due date are not allowed except (!) in cases whereby a borrower deliberately fails to pay and is not intent on paying at all.
Las Vegas City Ordinance
- Municipal Ordinance Title
- Payday loan stores can not be located closer than 200 feet from residential buildings;
- Payday loan stores can not be located closer than 1000 feet other financial institutions;
- The building for the payday loan purpose must have at least 1500 feet square.
Las Vegas General Information
Las Vegas is Nevada’s biggest and most vivid city in all aspects. Placed in the middle of a stunning mix of desert sand, rocky mountains, and clear lake water, it possesses the charm of a pebble and attracts tourists and residents from around the United States and elsewhere. Since 1931, when the first casino got a license for gambling, it evolved into a national (if not global) gambling and gaming hub.
Las Vegas Geography and History
Las Vegas is located in Clark County, in the Mojave Desert in a basin surrounded by mountains. Although the area is dry and arid, there are green lawns and parks in the city, largely thanks to an advanced irrigation system. The area was named “Las Vegas” (the meadows) in the 1820s by Rafael Rivera when the Spanish were exploring it in an effort to route trade between Mexico and California. The city was founded in 1905 when it joined the national railroad network, and a strip of land (the future downtown Las Vegas) adjacent to the Union Pacific Railroad track was auctioned.
Some Statistics
The current population of Las Vegas is 2,073,040 people, the age averaging 37.4 years old. Like most U.S. cities, Las Vegas is ethnically diverse. About 62.7% of the population accounts for whites, 32.7% – for Hispanic whites. Blacks and Asians account for 12.2 and 6.7 respectively. Native Americans account for 0.7%, yet they enjoy some privileges in running payday loan businesses, as they are supported by the Native tribal government.
The average household income is $53,159; It has been estimated that 18.5% of households boast a yearly income of $50 000 to $70 000, and 21.6% of households boast six-figure incomes. Individual incomes average $27,989. Home values are relatively low ($209,083), which explains the higher than average homeownership rate (51.8%). The median rent is $1,146.
Las Vegas Today
Today, Las Vegas is a major tourist spot and a booming estate market. Needless to say, casinos, casino resorts, and entertainment facilities are the biggest economic drivers and employers in the city. Most of them are located in the Las Vegas Strip – a 4.2 miles long stretch of South Las Vegas Boulevard, Clark County.
I was really impressed by the service. I got the advise from my friend who had takn such a loan in the past and his recommendaions were favourable. Well, if only the rates were lower – all the rest is quite satisfying and I especially liked the fact that they do not check my credit history. .
So I am 42, I am married with two children and this is the 4th time I have used payday loans. Each time I borrow a small amount and I have never had a problem to return the sum on the due day. I think I’ll use it again as it’s really convenient and one doesn’t have to leave home to get the money. And I will for sure recommend it to my friends. .
To run a payday business in Las Vegas, a lender must get a license regardless of how he or she is going to operate the service (at an office, online, with the help of a facsimile machine, etc.). The local statute does not allow the use of any automated loan machines though.
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